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Murah Firstcom FC U08 UHF

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
5 kali
Rp. 850.000

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Detail Murah Firstcom FC U08 UHF

Firstcom FC U08 UHF ? High/ Low Power Switchable Users can switch to low power when communicating within limited range coverage or switch to high power when further distance is required.High transmit power optimizes range coverage while low transmit power conserves battery consumption, all at the user' s control. ? LCD Battery Gauge Indicates battery strength levels for more effective power management. ? Battery Save The Battery Save feature is automatically activated once no activity on the channel and no operation performed, for extended operation time. ? Time-out Timer The feature allows for more efficient use of channels by limiting the amount of time of each transmission. ? Scrambler Other radios using the same frequency cannot hear the talking between two communication parties with thebuilt-in scrambler, which helps to enhance the communication privacy. ? Wired Clone Easily copy the features of one radio to another. ? PC Programmable You are able to customize the features of each radio for each user. ? Squelch Elimination The function will minimize the annoying audio outputs that occur at the receiver on completion of a transmission. ? Selectable Squelch Level ( 0-9) Helps minimize interference from undesired weak signals and helps weak signals be beard ? Priority Channel Scan Priority scan permits the scanning of identified channels while monitoring more often your most important channel. ? Voice Operated Transmit( VOX) Enjoy the convenience of hands-free operation when used with optional accessories. cari dan jual Firstcom FC U08 UHF dengan harga murah dan dapatkan promo , gratis antar ke jakarta dan dapat dikirim ke seluruh indonesia.
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