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  • Cari Perahu Karet Zebec Fiber Glass RIB ZCB 330

Cari Perahu Karet Zebec Fiber Glass RIB ZCB 330

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
98 kali
Rp. 49.500.000

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Detail Cari Perahu Karet Zebec Fiber Glass RIB ZCB 330

Its unique hull design and construction allow high performance and soft navigation, even in difficult sea conditions. Bringing together the performance of ZCB( RIB) series with the safety, each aspect having been carefully considered every factor which can happen to passengers while on the water. We have designed the ZCB RIB series to be extremely versatile. They are suitable for a wide range of uses and can be outfitted from an extensive choice of options. If you are looking for a family boat, for open ocean transportation or for heading out on a great adventure, the ZCB RIB series has the perfect boat for you. cari dan jual Perahu Karet Zebec Fiber Glass RIB ZCB 330 dengan harga murah dan dapatkan promo setiap hari , gratis antar ke jakarta dan dapat dikirim ke seluruh indonesia
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